Writing Fellow, The Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS), University of Johannesburg. 2023.
Writer-in-Residence. Woodstock Artist/Writer-in-Residence programme, Woodstock Centre for Photography (CPW). Project: “The Afrapix Photographers’ Agency and Collective.” Woodstock, NY. 2021.
Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Special Project Grant. Dec. 2020-ongoing in 2021.
Long-form essay “‘This is not the correct history’: Lacunae, Contested Narratives, and Evidentiary Images from Sri Lanka’s Civil War” interweaves scholarship on visual work, critical analysis of photography, personal narrative, and photographs.Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for a book project (Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2018).
Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Programme Fellowship (Aug–Dec 2006).
Weil Dissertation Fellowship. Dept. of English, University of Denver (Summer 2002).
Pearl Hogrefe Fellowship in Creative Writing, Iowa State University Dept. of English, Ames, IA. (1997-1998).
Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “Durban’s Afrapix photographers: Forging relations in the detritus of Natal’s plantation culture” (Summer 2023).
Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “Documenting Apartheid Architecture and Design: Gille De Vlieg, Anna Ziemensky, and Deseni Moodliar-Soobben’s Photography” (Summer 2022).
Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “‘Comrades with Cameras’: The Afrapix Photographers’ Agency and the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement” (Summer 2017).
International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes (Summer 2016).
SCAC Mini Grant: Scanning and Digitising Jeeva Rajgopaul’s Photographs of South African Exiles in New York, 1990 (Summer 2015).
SCAC Mini Grant: “Fashioning the ‘New’ Nation: George Hallett’s Photographs of Nelson Mandela and the 1994 Elections in South Africa.” (Summer 2014).
Visiting Fellow, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (May-August, 2005-2012).
SCAC grant, SUNY-Oswego: for research towards the publication of “Wonder Weight-Less: Anna Nicole Smith, Unilever, and the Khomani San of Southern Africa in the Battle to Claim Hoodia Gordini.” (Summer 2009).
International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes, for presenting lecture in Cape Town, South Africa at Cape Town Biennale (June 2009).
American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS) Language Grant/ Visiting Fellow at the AISLS Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka (June 2008).
Faculty Development Grant, Dean’s Office (SUNY-Oswego): research on port cities and diasporic cultures in South Asia (June 2008).
International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes for researching possibility of Mumbai, India as a site for Study Abroad Programmes (June 2008).
International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes, for finalising creation of study-abroad programme in Cape Town, South Africa (January 2008).
Visiting Fellow, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (June-August 2007).
Office of International Education Programmes travel grant for conference and research (June 2007).
Course Innovation Grant, SUNY-Oswego: for developing an interdisciplinary course: English 465/Global Studies 400: “Navigating the Oceans” (May 2007).
Visiting Associate at Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa: research towards book project (June 2006-Jan 2007).
Course Innovation Grant, SUNY-Oswego: for developing an interdisciplinary course: English 465/Global Studies 400: “Navigating the Oceans” (May 2007)
Visiting Associate at Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa: research towards book project (June 06-Jan 07)
UUP Individual Development Award for Research, SUNY-Oswego (March 2006 ).
Office of International Education Programmes travel grant: conference presentation/research on SA Literature & Postcolonial Theory at Royal Holloway, UK (April 2005).
UUP Individual Development Award for Research (Autumn 2004).
SUNY-Oswego Faculty Enhancement Grant: research at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (Summer 2004).
Rocky Mountain Women’s Institute Associateship for Denver-based artists (2002-2003).
Colorado Fellowship for entering doctoral students. Dept. of English, University of Denver (1999-2000).
Hogrefe Grant-in-Aid for Creative Writing (in recognition of excellence and promise in writing), Dept. of English, Iowa State University (Spring 2000).