

  • Writing Fellow, The Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study (JIAS), University of Johannesburg. 2023.

  • Writer-in-Residence. Woodstock Artist/Writer-in-Residence programme, Woodstock Centre for Photography (CPW). Project: “The Afrapix Photographers’ Agency and Collective.” Woodstock, NY. 2021.

  • Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Special Project Grant. Dec. 2020-ongoing in 2021.
    Long-form essay “‘This is not the correct history’: Lacunae, Contested Narratives, and Evidentiary Images from Sri Lanka’s Civil War” interweaves scholarship on visual work, critical analysis of photography, personal narrative, and photographs.

  • Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for a book project (Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2018).

  • Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Programme Fellowship (Aug–Dec 2006).

  • Weil Dissertation Fellowship. Dept. of English, University of Denver (Summer 2002).

  • Pearl Hogrefe Fellowship in Creative Writing, Iowa State University Dept. of English, Ames, IA. (1997-1998).


  • Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “Durban’s Afrapix photographers: Forging relations in the detritus of Natal’s plantation culture” (Summer 2023).

  • Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “Documenting Apartheid Architecture and Design: Gille De Vlieg, Anna Ziemensky, and Deseni Moodliar-Soobben’s Photography” (Summer 2022).

  • Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants (SCAC) Research Grant, SUNY-Oswego: “‘Comrades with Cameras’: The Afrapix Photographers’ Agency and the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement” (Summer 2017).

  • International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes (Summer 2016).

  • SCAC Mini Grant: Scanning and Digitising Jeeva Rajgopaul’s Photographs of South African Exiles in New York, 1990 (Summer 2015).

  • SCAC Mini Grant: “Fashioning the ‘New’ Nation: George Hallett’s Photographs of Nelson Mandela and the 1994 Elections in South Africa.” (Summer 2014).

  • Visiting Fellow, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (May-August, 2005-2012).

  • SCAC grant, SUNY-Oswego: for research towards the publication of “Wonder Weight-Less: Anna Nicole Smith, Unilever, and the Khomani San of Southern Africa in the Battle to Claim Hoodia Gordini.” (Summer 2009).

  • International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes, for presenting lecture in Cape Town, South Africa at Cape Town Biennale (June 2009).

  • American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies (AISLS) Language Grant/ Visiting Fellow at the AISLS Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka (June 2008).

  • Faculty Development Grant, Dean’s Office (SUNY-Oswego): research on port cities and diasporic cultures in South Asia (June 2008).

  • International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes for researching possibility of Mumbai, India as a site for Study Abroad Programmes (June 2008).

  • International Travel Grant, SUNY-Oswego Office of Int’l Education Programmes, for finalising creation of study-abroad programme in Cape Town, South Africa (January 2008).

  • Visiting Fellow, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (June-August 2007).

  • Office of International Education Programmes travel grant for conference and research (June 2007).

  • Course Innovation Grant, SUNY-Oswego: for developing an interdisciplinary course: English 465/Global Studies 400: “Navigating the Oceans” (May 2007).

  • Visiting Associate at Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa: research towards book project (June 2006-Jan 2007).

  • Course Innovation Grant, SUNY-Oswego: for developing an interdisciplinary course: English 465/Global Studies 400: “Navigating the Oceans” (May 2007)

  • Visiting Associate at Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa: research towards book project (June 06-Jan 07)

  • UUP Individual Development Award for Research, SUNY-Oswego (March 2006 ).

  • Office of International Education Programmes travel grant: conference presentation/research on SA Literature & Postcolonial Theory at Royal Holloway, UK (April 2005).

  • UUP Individual Development Award for Research (Autumn 2004).

  • SUNY-Oswego Faculty Enhancement Grant: research at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (Summer 2004).

  • Rocky Mountain Women’s Institute Associateship for Denver-based artists (2002-2003).

  • Colorado Fellowship for entering doctoral students. Dept. of English, University of Denver (1999-2000).

  • Hogrefe Grant-in-Aid for Creative Writing (in recognition of excellence and promise in writing), Dept. of English, Iowa State University (Spring 2000).